Brand Message + Copy

June 22, 2022

The moment someone lands on your website, the clock starts ticking…. Is your website copy acting as your #1 salesperson — hustling day and night to gain you more clients, while boosting your list, authority and bottom line? Or is it more like a toddler, clinging to your leg, holding you — and your business […]

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The moment someone lands on your website,
the clock starts ticking….

Is your website copy acting as your #1 salesperson — hustling day and night to gain you more clients, while boosting your list, authority and bottom line?

Or is it more like a toddler, clinging to your leg, holding you — and your business — back?

There’s an art and a science to crafting the right messaging that has your ideal customers and clients nodding along as they read and click to schedule an appointment, connect with you or make a purchase. 

The Brand Messaging + Web Copy package includes 8 weeks of research, strategy and writing that results in copy that will convert web visitors into clients and customers.

You’ll walk away with a Brand Messaging Guide (which will make content creation and marketing efforts going forward a breeze) and 4-6 pages of SEO-keyword rich copy that sounds like you and is primed to convert your ideal clients. 

Here’s how it works:

Complete an intake form and we’ll connect to let you know when our next calendar opening is. 

This 8-week package will take place in 3 stages:



We’ll do a deep dive into your brand and your business — where it is today and where you want to go. We’ll get data and insight from your web visitors and clients, evaluate the current market, and make sure you’re setting yourself apart from the competition.


We’ll turn all that research into a new Brand Messaging Guide that spells out your current USP, elevator pitch, core values, ideal client, current customer hesitations, sought-after benefits and more. It’ll give you clarity, which is key for leveling up (and will help when making company decisions, writing content, planning, marketing and more).


With this new foundation set, we’ll rewrite your web copy so it speaks to the people you want to attract and serve.


By the end, you’ll be crystal-clear and confident in how to talk, write about and market your offerings so you can hit your next business milestones.

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I'm Kathleen,
your new story & strategy-obsessed friend.

As a former journalist and professional writer for 20 years, I’ve seen firsthand the magic and power of words. The right copy – infused with your expertise & personality – can help you stand out, show up with confidence, and advance your career or company with clarity and ease. 

Let’s master your message and craft copy that connects with the right people so you can grow your small & mighty business.

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